Since 2017, alongside its traditional World Competitiveness Ranking and World Talent Report, IMD has published new rankings that aim to measure countries’ ability to adapt to and leverage the digital transformation and its impact on government practices, business models and society in general.

Occupying the top three places this year are the United States, Singapore and Sweden.

France gained two places in 2019 and is now 24th.

France was ranked 16th on the technology environment factor, 20th on the knowledge factor and 29th on the future readiness factor. This was in part thanks to a set of good scores relating to the country’s regulatory framework.

France was ranked eighth for the protection of intellectual property rights (up two places), and 11th for the capacity of R&D legislative framework to encourage innovation, as well as enforcing contracts (up three places).

France boasts a robust scientific environment, with high R&D expenditure (13th), resulting in the publication of numerous articles (14th) and a high share of technical and scientific jobs in total employment (16th).

On the future readiness factor, France performs well for the use of robots (8th), e-government (9th), e-participation (13th) and online sales (14th).

Find more information, click here to read Facts and Figures #29 (in French).